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WinTensor™ is a program for Windows with which
representation surfaces are created from crystallographic data (metric,
tensor components as input and several image files as output,
including *.wrl that can be inserted on web pages
and send to 3D-printers.
(not to be
confused with Damien
Delvaux's Program of similar name recently released)
Below some example screenshots of the piezo-optic
effect, the optical rotation, the elastic constants and second
harmonics in quartz.
Click on images to open pages showing how to insert interactive models on webpages.
Windows 95 and higher - ca. 3MB disk space
Download WinTensor™ here
Download windows html-help to see what the program does (0.37MB)
About WinTensor™ and the author
Author of the program and this text is Werner Kaminsky.
He has a research faculty position in the Department for Chemistry of
the University of Washington, Seattle in Washington, USA. Born in
Germany in 1959 going to school and after studying physics and then
crystallography under Professor Siegfried Haussuehl, a PhD and a ‘Habilitation’
in Cologne he moved first
to Oxford to work at the Clarendon Laboratory in the Physical
Crystallography Research Group of Professor Mike Glazer where he got a
call to join Professor Bart Kahr in his research on dyed crystals and
related phenomena. Half of the time is now spend in solving X-ray
structures for the Department. The other half is dedicated to research
and on rare occasions to projects like this: writing programs mainly
for educational use. This is what Werner has to say about this
“This Program was started years ago in Cologne, Germany, winter
1999. Now I want to share my pleasure of writing and using WinTensor™ with
members of educational institutions and friends of crystal in
My reason of writing a program to generate
representation surfaces and *.wrl
files of tensors is simple: there are almost no such
files on the internet (August.2004) and there is no program as such
that calculates these shapes with build-in symmetry and tensor
component tables.”
Department of Chemistry
University of Washington
Box 351700
Seattle, Washington, 98195-1700
Voice: (206)543-1610
FAX: (206)685-8665
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